Tips From A Former Smoker

Smoking may not kill you quickly, it may make your life miserable for a while before it does.

Most smokers know smoking will eventually kill them. And most are resigned to that fact. They figure smoking will just take a few years off the end of their life that would have been bad anyway. The point of the CDC's "Tips from Former Smokers" campaign is to get smokers to see that smoking will not only eventually kill them, but that it can make their lives miserable for a white time before it does. We get that point across by using real ex-smokers who are living with the effects of tobacco-related illnesses.

This campaign ran for over a decade and was featured in just about every national news outlet. Below are some of the ads from the round of Tips that I worked on.


CD: Josh Tetrault, Bill Girouard
Copywriter: Matt Hames
Art Director: John Mathieu


Sallie Mae → Unexpected Scholarships


Hasbro → Classic.